Thursday, September 15, 2011


Rhythm is when repition of the same object is used in a picture. In this advertisement the tuborg beer bottle is put in the ad more than once. Using this method it catches your eye. Also since the bottles are all green you are also attracted even more.


In this advertisement proportion is shown. When you look at this picture your eyes look at the big chick at the front. This happens because since it is so zoomed in and the things in the background are a very colourful and all smushed together.


In this advertisement the principle that is shown is harmony. Harmony is when a figure or shape is repeated. Int this ad the girl is repested and the colours also contrast.Also unity is kind of used in this becuase the shapes are very similar.


In this photograph emphasis is shown  becuase the red car is stands out from everything else because the background is too plain to compete with the red. This is called colour uniqunesss becuase the red car stands out. Also since the colour red is so much brighter than the gray.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


In this advertiseement contrast is shown because complimentary colours are used in this picture. The red and green feathers contrast and so do the blue feathers and the orange background also contrast. When you look at this picture ur eyes go straight to the bottle in the middle because it is a completely different colour, shape and size.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Balance in this advertisement is shown because of the way the man is zoomed in and is a lot bigger than the perfume they are selling. The small perfume being closer to the edge than the bigger object helps it to balance. Since the smaller object  is closer to the edge it helps balance out the bigger object. Also the smaller object is darker than the bigger object so that helps too.